Gent’s begrotingstekort stands at 60 to 85 miles on the other side of the street

Twee days long zit het Gentse stadsbestuur in conclaaf bijeen. De speeches: een begroting diep in het rood cit. In the next month it is the tekort – het verschill tussen Inkomsten en uitgaven dus – gestegen van 60 miljoen euro naar 85 miljoen euro. Op a budget of 1 million euros is that a nimble cloof.

“In veertig jaar tijd we nooit zo’n situatie meegemaakt. De kaasschaaf bovenhalen zal niet works. He would like to be made again”, says de Gentse schepen van Financiën Rudy Coddens (Vooruit).

The most important talks about the malaise are those that suffer in the rest of the same levying tot financiële kopzorgen. The door of the set energy price costs it to be heated in the kitchen of the city building that year for 6 million euros over the sea.

The indexations raise the loon costs dan weer met tientallen miljoenen per year omhooggeduwd. By the end of the day, the basic materials for investing in vans have increased by 30 percent over the past year, it says in Ghent. With the hetzelfde budget can dus much less be daan.

The problem is that the income does not amount to that with the building. The financing of the towns and cities via the Vlaamse Gemeentefonds heeft de open following indexaties not done. There is a large distance between you and your income in no time. For a city like Gent, that’s what it’s like for a year or so from 20 million euros. The indexes suffer from higher tax burdens, but the vloeien met contracting to the stadskas.

The Gentse problem is everything kept unique. Ook elders in Vlaanderen lived in a place with their hands in the hair over the next few buildings. The situation is not houdbar, says Vooruit-voorzitter Conner Rousseau. In a letter aan de voorzitters van de partijen in de Vlaamse regering – cd&v, Open Vld and N-VA – vraagt ​​hij om samen snel een oplossing te zoeken. Door more money to the local authorities late streams, of door more flexible than the jump with the begrotingseisen van de Vlaamse overheid.

For all local taxes, the same is true of the Kloof tussen income in uitgaven de voorbije maanden met sea dan 640 miljoen gegroeid, geeft Rousseau aan. Zonder ingrepen three overall save the hard node zijn om Vlaanderen te moderniseren. “Deze investeringen uitstellen of afblazen zou nefaste gevolgen raise and de bronze relance in Gevaar brengen,” aldus Rousseau.

Domper for toekomst

Besturen zullen bijvoorbeeld de aanleg van fietspaden of investeringen in duurzame building should scrape. That betekent that certain traffic situations have not been decided against raken of the Vlaanderen without any energy being lost.

“He also had to have been snapped in the shift,” says Coddens. Standing and metering is less accessible for the burger.

“The finances are druk op alle gemeenten is inderdaad zeer hoog”, says Nathalie Debast, who is responsible for the Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten. You know about a recent study by Belfius. Because of this, the costs for all of the work costs – such as the energy costs – are covered by the total amount spent. Also Belfius was responsible that not all investments could be made, but there were a number of important roles in the energy transit.
