Foxes on the pursuit duel to Kiel: “Only solid will not be enough”

With a declaration of war, the Füchse Berlin travel to the top game of the Handball Bundesliga. On Sunday, the Berliners will compete at second-placed THW Kiel (1.40 p.m. / Sky / NDR). “It’s a direct battle for second place. That’s why we want to score points there,” said coach Jaron Siewert.

But it is a difficult task for the third-placed Berliners. Because the balance sheet is anything but good. The last 14 away games in Kiel were lost. So there is a lot of respect.

“They started the year very, very well. And it is currently being forgotten that they are the reigning champions,” said Siewert. The Foxes coach is encouraged by the 28:28 draw in the first leg in October. “We were even and could have won,” he said.

After recent fluctuating performances, the foxes have to go to the limit again. “It will be necessary to perform at the top in every position and in every area. And you have to trust yourself. Just playing solid won’t be enough,” said Siewert.

Foxes trainer Jaron Siewert (Photo: picture alliance / Andreas Gora)

A special focus is on goalkeeper Dejan Milosavljev. “We have to win the goalkeeper duel,” Siewert continued. Especially since regular keeper Niklas Landin threatens to fail at Kiel. “But I’ll only believe it if Landin doesn’t change clothes,” said Siewert.

Due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the foxes will wear special jerseys at the initiative of manager Bob Hanning. An affair of the heart for Siewert. “There’s a disaster going on there. For me as a family man, the pictures there are hard to bear,” he said.

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► After the defeat against Plock, hard chunks are waiting for the foxes

► Foxes temporary coach Hanning satisfied with a short tenure

Out of solidarity, the game will be played in the colors of Ukraine, i.e. blue and yellow. In addition, a peace sign adorns the shirt. This will also be visible on the Kiel jersey. “If we can set an example and maybe collect a few more euros, it’s definitely worth doing,” said Captain Paul Drux.
