Foggia-Catanzaro, slaps to Iemmello. The partner: ‘My daughter was watching it on TV “

Yesterday the double invasion of the field and the attack on the attacker: “What happened, Foggia was unthinkable? It is useless to dissociate oneself in the interviews, prove it with facts”

“My daughter yesterday watched her father play and had to attend a show that has everything except the values ​​that sport must convey …”. Actress Giulia Maria Gorietti, partner of Pietro Iemmello, the Catanzaro striker slapped after scoring two goals, vented on social media after the follies of yesterday’s match in Foggia.


Two invasions of the field, match suspended for twelve, attacked players (in the sights just Iemmello, former of Foggia, who after the two goals had been landed in the area and had won a penalty). “What happened yesterday is unthinkable – wrote Gorietti -, death threats and throat cuts mimicked live on TV. In front of children watching their team. I never talk about football, but after yesterday I condemn the Foggia club. he does not know how to manage the fans and the matches in his own stadium. It is useless for them to dissociate themselves in interviews, to prove it with facts “.


The president of Foggia Nicola Canonico apologized “to the Foggia fans for today’s bad match. But I also apologize to all the Italian fans for what happened on the pitch. I am indignant, I distance myself”. And the Italian Footballers’ Association expressed “total solidarity” with Catanzaro and the players. In a press release, the Aic “hopes that the competent authorities will shed light on the circumstances that led to this unspeakable and unheard-of event”.
