Fiorello, why see Waiting for Viva Rai 2: direct and timetables

LMonday 7th November Fiorello has finally debuted on RaiPlay with Waiting for Viva Rai 2!. The program precedes the actual format, Long live Rai 2!scheduled in the schedule starting from Monday 5 December on Rai 2. It is, therefore, a taste of what will be, but right from the start it is clear that this is an excellent purchase for the network.

Fiorello, the winning horse to bet on

Not that there was any doubt. Fiorello is the winning horse to bet on always and in any case. IS the greatest showman of Italian television, able to create a show with little. And that’s what happens to Waiting for Viva Rai 2!, twenty minutes or so of pure divertissement. The format follows Flower newsstandfirst broadcast on social media and subsequently landed on TV on Sky and Rai.

The program consists of one daily review where the landlord comments on the news of the day sitting at a table in a bar. Alongside it, a roundup of transversal characters, representative of a cross-section of society. There is the pensioner and there is the famous face, as well as the companion Fabrizio Biggio, who has the role of shoulder.

A cheerful gang able to say good morning to Italians in a fun and irreverent way at the same time. In fact, no one escapes the clever satire by Fiorello. In particular, politicians. Every day he targets a different member of the Italian team, with hilarious results.

The imitations ad Waiting for Viva Rai 2!

Giorgia Meloni, Giuseppe Conte, Matteo Renzi, Carlo Calenda. No one escapes his watchful eye and the imitations they follow one after the other. The trump card is ironyin addition to the skill with which he manages to desecrate any topic. Waiting for Viva Rai 2! it is a potpourri of elements that, put together, make up a picture to be admired for the duration of the show.

Waiting for official debut on Monday 5th December, an abridged version is currently being broadcast. Every morning at 7, Fiorello speaks live on Instagram and to the public of RaiPlay for about 20 minutes. Enough to tell what is happening in the world and to keep the audience glued until the next day.

Fiorello’s return on Rai 2 after the controversy with Tg1

His return is good news for television. Over the past decade, after # the biggest show after the weekend, thinned out the apparitions. Beyond Flower newsstandin 2019 he returned with great fanfare with Long live RaiPlay!broadcast on Rai 1. Subsequently it was the turn of Sanremo Festival 2020 and 2021next to the historical friend Amadeus.

A close-knit and television perfect couple, which gave very high moments of pure entertainment. For some time Rai, in particular the director Stefano Coletta, had hoped for his return, often talking about ongoing negotiations. In the end he got it right, not without incidents along the way. Rumors gave it for sure on Rai 1 in the time slot of Tg1 Morning.

The editorial board of the news program directed by Monica Maggioni rose up and, in the end, for Fiorello the doors of Rai 2 have opened. Not bad, because now the network that will benefit from the presence of a true champion within the schedule. All dripping fat for the second state TV network, in a difficult, almost bankruptcy season.

Sanremo 2023 on the horizon?

At the presentation of the Rai schedules a new season had been announced in all respects. A kind of revolutionwhich was supposed to reconstruct the identity of the network, in trouble for several years. Dozens of new titles, schedules full of programs one after the other, but with limited results. The revolution took place, but the effects turned out to be anything but positive.

With the arrival of Fiorello, things could change, or at least improve. Of course, a load of responsibility not just for the Sicilian showman, but at the same time an excellent card to play for the network. Waiting for Viva Rai 2! will be broadcast from Monday to Friday from 7 to 8.30 for 135 episodestherefore from 5 December until June.

Almost an entire television season, which could give you a few more points than share. And who knows that with irony and lightness, Fiorello will not be able to revive the fortunes of a channel that is unfortunately in deep crisis. Meanwhile it is also approaching Sanremo 2023. At the helm we find Amadeus. Is there any hope for a return of Fiore too? At the moment the showman does not unbutton, but responds with a joke: “Sanremo? This year I’ll stay in Dad, I’ll do it from a distance “. A cryptic answer, which lays the foundations for a return to the event?

