Federica Pellegrini, first outings with Matilde and the dogs

Dforget the classic three-way walks: mum, dad and baby. For Federica Pellegrini the first outings with your daughter are much more complicated. On January 3rd, Divina became a mother for the first time: Matilde was born, the fruit of love with her husband Matteo Giunta. But they are also in the family four French bulldogs to whom the champion is very close. And in the first days as a new mother you have to find a balance between the pets at home and your daughter. Just as the couple’s first posts as parents demonstrate.

Federica Pellegrini is pregnant!  The advert with a showing belly is full of irony

Federica Pellegrini mother for the first time

«You have finally arrived». On January 3, with these words and with the first threesome shot from the hospital, Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta shared with their followers the joy of the birth of their little girl. Revealing, finally, too the name of the little girl who they called “Meringue” until birth: Matilde.

Then, after returning home, the couple is sharing other images of their new life as parents, including first walks and the official presentation to the furry friends at home.

The walk with Matilde and the dogs

And walks are at the center of the new mother’s latest post. Who ironically underlined the difficulty of taking the little girl out for a walk in the pram and with the dogs in tow. «We have never liked easy things…right Tato?» wrote the swimming champion on Instagram immortalizing the husband in front while holding the dogs on a leash while, behind, the pram appears with Matilde inside. And there’s a hashtag that perfectly conveys the mood of the moment: #we’ll make it.

A brief comment immediately commented by the new father Matteo Giunta: «I would say no… but I wouldn’t increase the difficulty level, at least for a while” he wrote. After all, it is certainly not easy to juggle small children and animals to follow.

Federica Pellegrini’s dogs

Vanessa, Rocky, Cesare and Bianca: here are the four French bulldogs that are part of Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta’s family. The champion loves to share with her followers all the love that binds her to her fur babies. It is no coincidence that they are the protagonists of the first post with Matilde at home. Here is the champion with her little girl surrounded by «Bodyguards of the highest level». A very tender shot that immediately went around the web.

