Endless Love today, previews of the episode on Wednesday 15 January 2025

Previews of today’s episode of the Turkish soap, broadcast on Canale 5

Riccardo Cristilli

January 15th – 8.30am – MILAN

The appointment continues with Endless Love broadcast today, Wednesday 15 January 2025, at 2.10pm on Canale 5 and streaming on Mediaset Infinity. The Turkish dizi, awarded in 2017 as best telenovela in the International Emmy Awards, it aired in Türkiye between 2015 and 2017.

endless love on channel 5

Before finding out what awaits us in today’s episode of Endless Love, Let’s see where we were. Nihan and Emir divorced, so Kemal finally asked for the hand of his beloved Nihan. However, organizing the wedding was not simple, given the differences between the two families, on the one hand Kemal’s more traditional, on the other Nihan’s more modern. In the end, however, the will of Kemal’s mother prevailed given that according to Turkish tradition it is the groom’s family who organizes the wedding. In the meantime, however, Emir intends to cancel this wedding, despite Zeynep’s attempts to make him desist.

today’s plot

In the previews of the episode of Endless Love on Wednesday 15 January 2025, let’s see that Nihan is preparing for the wedding and Kemal asks Ayhan and Zehir to guard the wedding venue with their men in fear of an attack by Emir. In fact, led by Mehmet, Emir’s men approach the place where the ceremony will take place but are blocked by Ayhan who takes them to a warehouse. Ayhan and Zehir feel calm for having foiled the attack but Emir’s plan is actually different and that was just a diversion. His target is directly Kemal whom he wants to kidnap and take him to an abandoned hospital, where he intends to kill him by locking him in a hyperbaric chamber by removing all the oxygen.

Will Emir’s plan come to fruition? Will Kemal manage to save himself and marry Nihan? To get the answers to these questions, all you have to do is wait for the next episodes of Kara Sevda, the original title of Endless Love, broadcast tomorrow Thursday 16 January at 2.10pm on Canale 5 and streaming on Mediaset Infinity. The final episodes of the series are currently being broadcast, consisting of 74 total episodes of 120 minutes divided into 45 minute episodes in its international version and further divided by Mediaset.
