End of anti-Kirchnerism?: coincidences in the ranks of Larreta and Macri

Antikirchnerism has been a limitation during our government,” confessed Pablo Avellutothe former Minister of Culture of the Nation and trusted man of Mauricio Macri: He was the editor of his post-presidency books: “First Time” and the recent “So that”, where the founder of the PRO exhibits his thoughts for a -desired- second term of Together for Change.

You have to ask yourself if there is something more than antikirchnerism in the PRO or in Together for Change, and if it is enough to solve the country’s problems. I don’t share anything with Kirchnerism but it exists, and there are people who don’t think like me”, described Avelluto, who highlights in this sense a text written by one of the owners of Horacio Rodriguez Larretathe Secretary General and International Relations of CABA, Fernando Straface.

The larretista chancellor had written a column about what should be “the best strategy for JXC to win the election and then rule for lasting change”. “I take the issue very seriously as a central debate for JvC. No chicanas or aggressions. Let’s make the effort, ”she raised by sharing the link on her Twitter account.

“Fernando Straface’s text raises a debate that we owe ourselves, which is what we are going to do with the crack, what we think of it and what its meaning is,” said Avelluto in El Disparador (Delta 90.3). “That each group to maintain its own identity begins to demonize that other group with which it does not coincide, it is a threat and a mistake. It is not only a problem from the outside but also from the inside (of JXC), because one day the STEP will take place and the next day we will all get to work for the one who is chosen by the people as our candidate,” he added about the cracks within its own space, embodied in the strong criticism of the president of the party, Patricia Bullrich, towards the Buenos Aires Head of Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

“If I have moral differences with someone, I cannot share a party with that person… And what Straface raises is to what extent that fracture is not also responsible for our difficulty in finding a path of development and growth”, Avelluto deepened.

“Electoral strategies are very diverse, there will be those who find it more profitable in electoral terms to end the rift, and others who believe that encouraging it makes them stronger. I have no doubts that the next government, which I hope will be from Together for Change, will have a very tight majority in Parliament and the reforms that must be carried out in Argentina demand and require majorities”, analyzed the former Minister of Culture.

Larreta and Macri

“The system is designed as an invitation to dialogue, conversation and negotiation. as Straface says there are 2 million votes that Cambiemos lost in 2019 and we have to talk to those people. And with ours I don’t even tell you, because there is another level of fracture that if it worsens does not help, “concluded Avelluto.

“We need to generate a broader majority in favor of a modern Argentina deal. On the other hand I think It is the best way to beat Kirchnerism and govern so well that they will not find the conditions to one day return. In order to govern well, you have to put an end to the idea that there is one half of Argentines that is at odds with another half, because that way we will never be able to govern well,” added Straface.

Larreta and Macri

“In his positive thinking and in the way of executing it, Mauricio is for me much closer to Horacio than to Patricia. But Patricia managed to become the voice of what Mauricio does not say, and what, in any case, a tougher segment believes is Macri’s thinking. And he surely does not deny it to annoy Horacio, but sooner rather than later there will be an agreement there, ”a leader who knows the former president very well explains to NOTICIAS.

In the macrismo they warn that the wear produced by internal friction may cost them the election: increases the annoyance of an electorate increasingly disbelieving with traditional politics. “When Patricia attacks Horacio, Milei grows up”, summarized in the PRO. But they are not yet ready to openly give the right to Rodríguez Larreta, who in his first campaign spot, rightly proposed, leaving behind the polarization discourse.

Straface and Larreta.

“It is not about being president, I want to be a good president. And together, end the hatred and start the path of transformation that Argentina needs, ”emphasized the metropolitan mayor through the spot recorded at kilometer zero of Route 40, which he shared via Twitter. “The only ones who benefit from the rift are those who opened it, those who take advantage of it. Those who use it are scammers. Either we finish with the crack or the crack ends with Argentina”. An elevation shot for the former president and Bullrich.

They made us believe that we have nothing in common with those who think differently, to the point that we stop inviting friends to our homes, we make enemies with family members and raise aggressiveness to the maximum in social networks. You have to cut it with that. Today almost 40% of Argentines are poor, almost 4 million people work informally and thousands of children do not finish school on time. These are the results of decades of division,” Rodríguez Larreta remarked in his speech at the inauguration of the sessions in the Buenos Aires Legislature, in which he pointed out: “change is not shouting”.

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