Emilia (9) makes “Welcome Bags” for Ukrainian children

The Zehlendorf student helps small refugee children with bags against boredom.

If Emilia (9) has her way, nobody should be bored. Not even the children and young people who have fled from the war zone.

The schoolgirl from Zehlendorf says: “It’s important to me to help, because the children come here with nothing.” That’s why Emilia came up with “Welcome Bags”. The pastel-colored surprise bags contain loving welcome greetings for smaller and larger girls and boys.

The little heroine wants to put together 1000 bags (Photo: Ralf Günther)

There are notebooks, painting materials and card games for the teenagers, while girls and boys of Emilia’s age get toy figures, spinning tops and sticker books. There is also a bag for babies. The girl used to make similar paper bags for herself to keep her bored and took them to the restaurant, for example. The idea of ​​doing this for children who had fled Ukraine came up in a conversation with her mother.

“As a helper in an emergency shelter, I observed that many children and young people were sitting on their cell phones and not playing,” says Marie-Luise Höft (35).

also read

► School in Berlin instead of war in Ukraine

►Ministry: “Every minute a child leaves Ukraine to escape the war”

Her little heroine wants to pack up 1000 bags and then distribute them in the emergency shelters and welcome classes. She has already bought the first 200 bags and has now been able to give 20 samples to children in a parish in Steglitz.

Who would like to help: MEA Foundation IBAN: DE50 1203 0000 1001 1670 79 Purpose: Welcome Bags
