Eindhoven Airport: fewer flights annually and stop on private flights

Eindhoven Airport does not want any more private flights in more than two years. The maximum number of flights per year must also be reduced. These are some measures to reduce noise pollution and CO2 emissions.

There has been criticism of Eindhoven Airport for many years. For example, local residents complain about the noise pollution caused by the airport.

No private flights
The airport is therefore now taking extra measures. “Because we also see that things can be done differently,” a spokesperson explains. “We previously said that we wanted to reduce our noise pollution by 30 percent. Now we also want to contribute to fewer CO2 emissions.”

So the management of Eindhoven Airport wants no more private flights to take off and land from 2026. The emissions from these flights are relatively high.

The management also wants to adjust the ceiling for the number of flights downwards in 2026 and 2027. That currently stands at 41,500 per year and will soon be 1,000 fewer. From 2028, the airport wants to focus on ‘noise standards instead of the number of flights’.

Only new planes
The airport also wants to start introducing the take-off procedure, or the way in which aircraft start and climb to flight altitude, as soon as possible, with the least noise pollution for the immediate environment.

From 2030 at the latest, only the latest generation of aircraft will be allowed to use Eindhoven Airport.
