Demonstration against housing crisis: “More than 10,000 homes are empty in Amsterdam”

Amsterdam Danst Somewhere For (ADEV) protested on Dam Square this afternoon. Every year the group demonstrates during ADE, this year against the housing crisis in the city with the theme: expropriated stupid property. “There are so many vacancies and there are so many people, especially young people, who need a roof over their heads, so I dance along every year,” says a demonstrator to AT5.

For more than ten years, ADEV – consisting of squatters, activists and other doers – has been organizing dance demonstrations during ADE to make themselves heard about a growing problem. With a 12 sound system, the procession of demonstrators started on Dam Square this afternoon at 1 p.m. and then danced to the end point: Museumplein.

While one person ‘just wants to dance’, the other has a clear goal in mind during the demonstration. “Squatters are still not treated properly and they are still the best people in the world, I think. Squatting has to happen, just do it.”

Organizer of ADEV Mike Vermaak expects that there will be more squatting. “You are asking for it if you leave things empty, so I hope so. As an organization, we fully support that it is a legitimate means of doing it,” he emphasizes.
