De Jong and Messi’s farewell to Barça: “A shock, I was at the airport and I received a message …”

The Dutch midfielder gave an interview and one of the questions could only concern the day he learned that he would no longer have the Argentine as a teammate. News that has reached De Jong … between head and neck.

Leo Messi’s farewell to Barcelona was something many thought would never come. But on a summer day, the club and the player explained that it was no longer possible to stay together, given the club’s economic problems and a salary, that of Pulce, who alone would have “eaten” 50% of the amount established. from the Liga for the blaugrana salaries. It goes without saying that it was a shock for everyone: fans, opponents, simple fans. But those who have suffered the most are certainly the Barça players, who by now were almost … used to taking the field next to the seven-time Ballon d’Or. Frankie de Jong explains it in no uncertain terms.

MESSI – The Dutch midfielder gave an interview to the Guardian and one of the questions could only concern the day he learned that he would no longer have the Argentine as a teammate. News that has reached De Jong … between head and neck. “” At first I couldn’t believe it, even though there had been rumors about it in the summer. But I thought it wasn’t certain, I never really thought about it, so when it happened it was a shock. I was at the airport to pick up my father and brother and I received a message: ‘Messi is leaving Barcelona’. And shortly afterwards I got more information about what was happening. “In short, a bad blow.” It was the symbol of the club, it was hard for everyone and we still miss a lot. If someone like him is no longer there, things change … “.

BUSQUETS – De Jong does not hide, just as he has no problem talking about Busquets, a senator with whom at the beginning someone spoke of real rivalry, rather than competition for a place in midfield. But the Dutchman explains that he has never had a single problem with his teammate, quite the contrary. “” He told me ‘it’s great that you come here, if you need anything I’m here to help you’. And in fact when I arrived in Barcelona he recommended a restaurant to me, he made reservations for me and my girlfriend, he spoke to the owner and when we arrived he was ready. I never had the feeling that he thought ‘here, with a new midfielder I risk not playing’. Everyone here tries to give you a hand, then the best players play and that is all up to you. But no one blames anyone else for not playing and I think the same applies to everyone. “Considering that without Messi things are more complicated, a little more team spirit doesn’t hurt …
