Current situation in Ter Apel and implementation of measures through the asylum chain | News item

News item | 28-07-2022 | 11:10

In the application and reception center in Ter Apel, the situation is still untenable. Almost every day there are more people staying than is possible. This was the reason for the cabinet to activate the national crisis structure on 17 June. A great deal of work has been done recently by the security regions and municipalities, as well as by all partners in the migration chain, to create additional crisis emergency shelter locations and thus offer as many people as possible shelter. This has reduced the pressure on Ter Apel for the very short term.

However, this does not mean that the situation is stable. With the maximum effect of the current measures, such as crisis emergency shelter locations and an acceleration of the outflow of status holders, this will provide sufficient shelter places until October 2022. There is currently an urgent need for measures that can relieve Ter Apel for a longer period of time and bring relief to the reception of asylum seekers.

Crisis emergency shelters

The security regions are working hard to scale up the number of crisis emergency shelter locations until October 1, 2022. Places are being added every day. At the moment, more than 4100 of the total agreed 5625 places have been realised. That is 75% of the number of places to be realised. This ensures that there are sufficient reception places in Ter Apel for the very short term, but it also means that this capacity is already almost fully utilized. When this extra capacity is fully used, the pressure on Ter Apel will increase again if no other large-scale reception location becomes available.

Temporary large-scale reception locations

In order to provide lighting in Ter Apel as soon as possible, the cabinet is focusing on alternative large-scale locations via 3 tracks.

First of all, a location is being sought where (part of) the identification and registration process can be carried out and where a large number of asylum seekers can be accommodated. In doing so, the cabinet is looking in particular at locations owned by the government.

The cabinet has now rented 2 (cruise) ships for the reception of asylum seekers. The basic principle here is that the ships are moored at the quay. An option has been taken on a 3rd cruise ship. The option of anchoring ships in open water is not being further elaborated at this time. The 1st ship is expected to be put into service in the municipality of Velsen on 1 September 2022. Discussions are being held with several municipalities for the mooring of the 2nd ship. This ship will be available as a reception location from 1 October 2022.

Other COA locations

Over the next 2 weeks, COA will open reception centers for asylum seekers in The Hague (400 places), Delft (260 places) and Voorschoten (120 places), excluding some extensions to existing reception locations. The COA is also looking into the possibilities of purchasing real estate where the zoning plan would have to be changed. This is aimed at realizing as many shelter places as possible.

Acceleration outflow of 7500 status holders

In addition to realizing extra shelter places, such as the temporary large-scale location and the crisis emergency shelter locations, more is needed to relieve Ter Apel in both the short and long term. Such as the measure to accelerate the transfer of 7,500 status holders to intermediate facilities or flexible housing. Unfortunately, the acceleration is not yet sufficiently visible in the national figures. Together with the security regions and other parties, it is being examined how this acceleration can be improved. In order to continue to support municipalities, the Hotel and Accommodation Scheme will be extended until 31 December 2022.
