Cultural transformation to surf in BANI environments

The term VUCA (in Spanish VICA: Volátil-Incierto-Complejo-Ambiguo) settled in the business world during the last 20 years and has been useful to describe the times that we have been living until now, and helped us to understand the first impact of the pandemic situation. However, this concept has become increasingly outdated due to the speed of change we are all experiencing.

In the opinion of the anthropologist Jamais Cascio, the tools of the VICA framework do not help us to understand what will happen, so he proposes the environment BANI (in Spanish FANI: Frágil-Ansioso-NoLineal-Incomprensible), which corresponds to situations such as the recent pandemic, in which conditions are not simply volatile, they are chaotic; in which the results are not simply difficult to foresee, they are completely unpredictable; or, situations where what happens is not simply ambiguous, it is totally incomprehensible.

If in the VICA framework we needed a change in the way of observing reality to face the circumstances and make the most appropriate decisions within that framework, today in this FANI environment more is needed than that, an evolution of consciousness is required, that is, of a change in the way of being.

Within the business environment there is the possibility of contracting a service either individually (executive coaching) or in a group (team coaching) that proposes relatively short assistance processes so that the executive and/or the team can observe the situation in a differently, find or generate the necessary resources, and take action aimed at achieving the proposed results. Ontological coaching thus becomes an effective tool to deal with VICA environments.

What superior proposal will it be necessary to offer to “navigate” in FANI environments?

Although the coaching processes provide a proportionate effectiveness in terms of ROI, given the temporality of the assistance, they do not provide an adequate context to facilitate a change in the way of being, so as to be the beginning of an evolution of consciousness. –individual or collective–, necessary to face the FANI environment.

It is then that it becomes necessary to think of a systematic assistance -such as ontological coaching training–, lasting 2 years, which contemplates different aspects related to the development of the being, aimed at concluding the process with a personal transformation of so that the person becomes someone who is not affected by the Fragility of situations because he has experienced the power of commitment in making things happen, managing his Anxiety to turn it into a source of power, which does not judge in terms of cause and effect nor does it resist non-linearityand that you do not need to resign yourself to what Incomprehensibleyou have the possibility to overcome the temptation of wanting to control everything.

Not all people who are trained as ontological coaches leave behind their basic profession to dedicate themselves professionally to coaching, but all those who are certified will have a baggage of distinctions that will enable them to “surf” the FANI waves, and will also be able to Accompany other people who are willing to enter from the information age to the conceptual age, and beyond.

Author: Professional Master Coach – Marcelo Molina.


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