continues until 5 October, that’s what it’s worth

The provision entered into force on March 22 and extended several times, the last of which is on September 20. Without a discount, the prices would be over 2 euros per liter

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco, and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, have signed the Interministerial decree which extends the measures currently in force to reduce the final price of fuels until 5 October. Thus, the cut of 30 cents per liter for petrol, diesel, LPG and methane for motor vehicles is extended up to that date. This is the umpteenth extension of a provision that entered into force on March 22 last and renewed several times to cope with fuel prices, the last taken on August 4 with a deadline of September 20. The necessary resources come from the extra VAT revenue generated by the increase in prices, a decision taken by the current executive for a measure judged by many to be unable to provide the appropriate coverage.


The scissoring of excise duties on fuels redetermines the rates according to a scheme that provides for 478.40 euros for one thousand liters of gasoline, 367.40 euros for one thousand liters of diesel, 182.61 euros for one thousand kilograms of LPG. On the other hand, nothing is due for auto methane, which now benefits from the 5% VAT rate. So, counting in hand, the cut is worth 25 cents plus 22% VAT, for a total of 30 cents less for petrol and diesel. The cut in excise duties on LPG is more contained, which drop by 8 cents per kg, which translates into 4.7 cents / liter, ie about 5.7 VAT included. The discount on methane is equal to the excise duty plus 5% VAT. However, the return to normality still seems far away: at “normal” excise taxes the prices of petrol and diesel would still be above 2.1 euro / liter.
