If everything goes according to plan, from April onwards a total of fourteen minor refugees with residence status will be able to live in one of the five homes in the Tuindorp district in Coevorden, which have now been designated for these young people. As soon as they live there, a meeting will take place for the neighborhood to get to know these young people.
According to councilor Erik Holties (BBC2014), Coevorden shows that it is hospitable. “Moreover, we have to, because we simply have a task to arrange sufficient shelter.” This concerns a residential block with five homes on Doctor JC Homanstraat, which are now vacant. The city council must formally make a decision in two weeks, but it became clear during the committee meeting that this will happen.
Although there were some concerns, especially from the VVD and PPC factions. Marijke Bakker (PPC): “We read that there are two supervisors for this group of young people. Is that sufficient?” Irma Talens (VVD): “There may be young people with traumatic experiences. As far as we are concerned, good guidance must be guaranteed so that social safety does not suffer from this.”
Holties has confidence in that. “This is professional guidance, provided by the youth aid organization Elker. If it is really necessary, there are options to gradually scale up that guidance.” These are young people aged 15 to 18 who have received a residence permit because they fled from a country where it was not safe for them. They came to the Netherlands without an adult or caregiver. The shelter applies for a maximum period of five years.
The intention for this shelter was already discussed with the neighborhood at the end of last year. According to Holties, this did not generate any significant comments from the immediate environment. “We dare to conclude from this that there is sufficient support for this, so we can offer these young people a ‘warm home’ here.” According to him, the situation will be regularly discussed with the neighborhood during the shelter period.
Just today, youth aid organization Elker came under controversy. According to Dagblad van het Noorden this organization has been placed under increased supervision by the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate. Councilor Jerry Stoker (PAC) wanted to know whether this also has an influence on this initiative in Coevorden.
According to Holties, Elker was a well-considered choice. “That is an organization with 150 years of experience. We have full confidence in that. The increased supervision concerns the youth care institution and that is a different sport.” The alderman did promise to come back to the council on this in more detail later.
According to the municipality, the new reception location is necessary to meet the legal task when it comes to reception places. In addition, the organization Nidos – which has the national task of arranging guardianship and care for these types of young people – has recently sent several municipalities urgent letters due to the major shortage of places to live. Due to this shortage, many young people are now forced to stay in emergency shelters.