Chancellor Scholz informs US President Biden about his trip to China

BERLIN/WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – Chancellor Olaf Scholz informed US President Joe Biden about his visit to China. As the deputy spokesman for the federal government, Wolfgang Büchner, and the White House announced, the two heads of government phoned each other on Sunday. The German side said that Scholz and Biden “appreciated the clear statement made by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who spoke out against the use of nuclear weapons and also against the threat of their use”. Both agreed to remain in close contact on this.

As Büchner further stated, “the Federal Chancellor and the President condemned the ongoing shelling of civilian infrastructure by Russia, in particular energy supply facilities in Ukraine. They also discussed the Russian threats and baseless accusations by Russia against Ukraine to use a so-called dirty bomb.”

The White House said Biden and Scholz agreed that Russia’s recent nuclear threats in the wake of its war in Ukraine were “irresponsible.” The two leaders underscored their “ongoing commitment” to providing Ukraine with the economic, humanitarian and security support it needs to ward off Russian aggression.

Scholz visited China on Friday./trö/DP/he
