Can you do without? The legendary Windows standard program is removed

Microsoft has announced that the legend of Wordpad will come to an end after 30 years. The program will not be updated, and in the next operating system version it will no longer be present at all.

The word processing software Wordpad will disappear with the next Windows 11 update. Adobe Stock

The word processing program Wordpad is already leaving machines in the next Windows 11 update.

Wordpad should not be confused with Notepad, i.e. Notepad, which is not going anywhere, at least for now.

More advanced than Notepad, but simpler than Word, Wordpad has been part of the standard Windows applications since the Windows 95 operating system.

Instead of what?

Microsoft recommends its own Word software as a replacement for Wordpad, but there are also free alternatives.

Popular free word processing software include Google Docs, Open Office, Libre Office and the browser version of Microsoft Word.

Source: Gizmodo
