Brussels receives 20 million euros in compensation for expenses | landlocked

“For the first time, we recognize the federal overheating of the bizondere situation of one,” says Brussels Minister-President Rudi Vervoort (PS). “Deze deal brings a beetje rightvaardigheid terug. It is logical that de federale overheid recognizes that wij meer dan ons deel doen.”

The 20 miljoen euro comes not bovenop de overheidsmiddelen voor daklozen in Brussel, which exceed 80 miljoen euro. Het gaat erder om een ​​compensatie. “Het serves om terug te betalen what we reeds gedaan hebben”, Aldus Vervoort.

Brussel knows that the federal government is longer than the costs connected to the costs of asielzoekers. In 2022 there will be a record of mensen uit pakweg Afghanistan, Syria and Burundi driven in Brussels for your asielaanvragen. He is speaking of the highest number since 2015. Bovendien zijn he also has about 60,000 Oekraïense vluchtelingen. Ongeveer 20 percent van dat aantal kiest Brussel as remaining places.
