Are taboo places heartless for the homeless?

BZ editor Stefanie Hofeditz thinks there should be places where children can play carefree and relatives and friends can mourn undisturbed

BZ editor Stefanie Hofeditz thinks there should be places where children can play carefree and relatives and friends can mourn undisturbed Photo: Siegfried Purschke/Wolf Lux

By Stefanie Hofeditz

Taboo places for the homeless – that sounds heartless at first. Daycare centers, playgrounds and cemeteries are places worthy of protection for the Neukölln district – the homeless should be evicted immediately.

It’s obvious, the poverty, the misery. Often coupled with drug and alcohol addiction, psychological problems, failed life plans.

But if you mourn someone in the cemetery or want to go play with your child, you shouldn’t have to deal with it – with feces, used syringes, aggression and arguments.

And where should they go? Yes, I don’t know either. I don’t care in front of the supermarket, under bridges or in subway stations.

But I think there should be places where children can play carefree and family and friends can mourn undisturbed.


homeless people
