The vibrating threshold that keeps residents in the District awake will be removed. The municipality of De Wolden has opted for a road narrowing in the Slenkenweg to slow down traffic.
This seems to put an end to a small traffic soap opera. In 2023, an intersection plateau was constructed at the intersection of the Slenkenweg with the Hendrik Tillemaweg. The increase would slow down traffic, as according to the municipality people often drove too fast on the access road to the District.
But the threshold also caused vibrations and local residents complained about noise pollution. With obstacles on the road, the municipality tried to further reduce the speed at the plateau, which would reduce the vibrations. This led to angry reactions from the village, saying it made the road unsafe. In addition, the vibrations, and therefore the nuisance, did not decrease. The obstacles were removed.
In October there was a residents’ evening about the intersection to arrive at a working solution. The municipal council has opted for a road narrowing and the removal of the plateau. “The road narrowing is intended to limit the speed of traffic. This measure will completely eliminate the vibrations and noise pollution caused by the plateau, while at the same time guaranteeing road safety,” the explanation reads.
The adjustments to the road will be made at the end of the first quarter of next year.