Angela de Jong is back at the table with Johan Derksen after a TV fight

Angela de Jong and Johan Derksen did not get into trouble after their mega quarrel on television. After a good month of absence, she was again at the table at Today Inside yesterday.

© SBS 6

Johan Derksen was completely derailed in mid-September during a bizarre television quarrel with Angela de Jong. He is so deep in John de Mol’s hole that he almost psychotic ranted against the opinion diva of the AD. For a moment it seemed that Angela was giving him that rant did not forgive, for she did not visit once in the following month.

foam basin

Despite that mega quarrel, Angela turned up again yesterday at the talk show table of Today Inside. When Wilfred Genee stirs up the quarrel by starting a smooth editing, Angela jokes: “In the morning I think: what can I get Johan to foam about again tonight? And it never disappoints!”

Then Johan says to Wilfred: “Look, you’re a master at stirring people up and stuff, but if I want to say something about Angela, I’ll say so. And she writes something about me and I accept that too. I did thirty years for VI what she does for TV. Then you are very well read and you are very hated, that is the result.”

“Friends again?”

Wilfred: “But really you are just friends again now? You were never enemies either, it was always good between you just?”

Angela: “I have a lot of respect for Johan.”

Johan: “I’ve never had a single problem with Angela and I also find her very appetizing in this ensemble.”

Angela: “I’ve always enjoyed watching Johan and I think he’s one of the few who dares to give his honest opinion in many areas and you don’t see that very often in the Netherlands. I have great admiration for Johan.

studio lamp

It was also about the fact that Linda de Mol has performed a fictional version of Angela in her drama series Five Live. That fake Angela went into a coma after she got a studio lamp on her head. Johan thinks that’s lame of Linda, but he also thinks it’s ‘childish’ that Angela has responded in a column.

Angela: “Yes, I don’t have that much trouble with it. I understood that the whole of the Netherlands was quite upset about it, but I shrugged my shoulders. It’s not the first time it’s happened. I leave that at the expense of the makers. If they think people like that…”


Johan: “It’s not fun. This is bland and predictable. It’s poorly written, it’s poorly acted.”

Angela: “But it does belong to Frank Houtappels. That is very strange.”

Johan: “I think that’s crazy too, because it’s nothing. It hangs together from loose sand. Then do things that are surprising and that make people laugh, but a lamp falls on your head. That’s so predictable. They clearly hate you and they have every reason to, I understand that, but then you shouldn’t do something like that. Lame.”

René van der Gijp: “This is really very bad.”

Will that fake Angela survive? “I have no idea. I saw that I was calm last Sunday.”


Angela and Johan look back on their mega quarrel:
