Angela de Jong agrees with criticism of Meilandjes: ‘They are fake’

Angela de Jong joins the criticism of the new TV program Chateau Bijstand. She has the idea that the Meilandjes are mainly performing a play these days. “It’s not real anymore.”

© NPO, William Rutten

The Meilandjes programs went down well with Angela de Jong for years, but now she is also turning against the millionaire family. She joins the critique of their new TV program Chateau Bijstand. Laughing at poverty is no longer fun, she says. “The zeitgeist has changed quite a bit,” she says in the AD

Not really anymore

According to Angela, it also plays a role that the authenticity of the Meilandjes is under pressure. According to her, it is becoming ‘more and more of a play’. “I saw fake photos of Maxime’s proposal last week. She had already been proposed, I understood, and there were still some pictures to come for Instagram. Well, it’s not real anymore.”

Angela thinks it’s a shame that the Meilandjes have now become so BN’er. “While it was so nice that they were authentic in all their separate properties.”


Angela thinks the Meilandjes’ controversial performance in HLF8 was a turning point. According to her, they came across as ‘spoiled and otherworldly’. “They didn’t think a limited budget was such a problem, but that small living room, well that was such a pain, Martien thought. That living room came into view. I think three quarters of the Netherlands live like this.”

It also disturbs her that the Meilandjes were allowed to enjoy luxuries during their welfare month, such as a bottle of wine, but that they had to work for it. “What is your signal then? Sorry people on welfare that you can’t pay the gas bill, you should just go to work?”

Chateau Assistance

Chateau Bijstand can be seen tonight at 8.30 pm on SBS 6, right opposite Radar on NPO 1 and Deferral of Execution on RTL 4.
