Ana Obregón and Los Morancos will give the Campanadas of RTVE

On at 16:09


The actress from Madrid will be the fifth time that she has broadcast the chimes on La 1, the last in 2020

Ana García Obregón and Los Morancos will be in charge this year of ringing the bells on RTVE and giving the welcome to 2023 from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, as reported by the public entity on Thursday.

Ana Obregón will be the fifth time that she has broadcast the chimes on La 1, the last in 2020. Last year I could not be at Puerta del Sol because I tested positive for coronavirus. And, on the other hand, for the duo Los Morancos will be their debut.

In addition to ringing the bell, Ana Obregón will present, accompanied by Mario Vaquerizo, this Christmas on La 1 ‘Telepasión’, the Christmas Eve special in which RTVE professionals become singers and dancers.

Likewise, the chimes in the Canary Islands will be broadcast by Nia and Roberto Herrerathe tandem chosen this year to take over from the archipelago, on this occasion, from the town of Galdar (Gran Canaria).

The singer Nia, winner of ‘Operación Triunfo 2020’ and who is currently participating in ‘Incredible Duos’, on La 1, will debut together with the presenter of TVE in the Canary Islands Roberto Herrera, who is celebrating his 21st anniversary in the broadcast.
