American embassy in Lebanon protected | Buitenland

“At 22.37 at the local time, shots of small vuurwapens will be reported in the building of the entrance to the American embassy. He has been won by many and one of the most convenient facilities is available. We are in nauw contact with the authorities of the guestland”, aldus de woordvoerder.

The American embassy, ​​located 15 kilometers from the center of the Lebanese city of Beiroet, is a large part of the United States in the southern part of the country. Momentarily it was built in an enormously new complex, on a land-operated surface in the sea cave on 21 Baltic Sea.

The new building has caused no further irritation on the Lebanese people, according to CNN in my report. Lebanon is experiencing a moment of one of the most serious economic crises in the modern world. Volgens CNN costs the new diplomatic complex zo’n 950 million euros.
