Alkmaar is investigating its own role in the slavery past

Alkmaar will investigate what role the city council played during the time of slavery. In a motion, PvdA, GroenLinks and PvdD asked to conduct research into Alkmaar’s past. That investigation should then be completed before the end of the Commemoration Year of Slavery Past (before 1 July 2024).

GroenLinks, PvdD and PvdA joined in tonight the municipal council meeting called: conduct an investigation into the role of the Alkmaar city council in the colonial slavery past.

During the motion, Fparty chairman (PvdA) David Rubio Borrajo: Two weeks ago we were invited as a council to an exhibition about the past of slavery in the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar. That made a big impression on us.”

The city council approved the study. More tomorrow.
