The municipality of Tynaarlo can start working on the relocation of the Water Scouting Nicolaas Group to the south side of the Zuidlaardermeer in Tynaarlo. This is evident from a ruling by the Council of State.
The owner of a holiday home in Midlaren challenged the zoning plan, but her appeal was rejected today. That was no surprise. At the court hearing on December 3, the Council of State already made it clear that its case had little chance of success.
Last year, the municipality made a plan for relocating water scouting and redesigning the surfing beach. There will be new buildings for the scouts. The sunbathing area may serve as a campsite for a few weeks a year. Building at the current location of the water scouting is not possible.
Earlier this month, an owner of a holiday home on the south bank of the Zuidlaardermeer went to the Council of State. The court hearing showed that in addition to objections to the relocation of the scouts, she is particularly dissatisfied with the cancellation of an older zoning plan by the municipality of Tynaarlo. That was the Zuidoevers Zuidlaardermeer plan. The municipality no longer had the money for that.
The woman regrets that she was told that the Aa and Hunze would meander around her holiday home. Camping Meerzicht would be moved and the water scouting would move further away to the northern tip of the Zuidlaardermeer. None of that happened.
Instead, the water scouts came up with the South Side Zuidlaardermeer, Water Scouting and Surf Beach plan. The woman says that it will cause inconvenience to her and that the sunbathing lawn and surfing beach will soon no longer be public. The municipality states that the beach and sunbathing area remain publicly accessible. The Council of State believes that the municipality has sufficiently taken into account the interests of the homeowner.