Bas and Nicolette overpower judge in hunt for cola millions: ‘Úren!’

Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam are the Rachel Hazes of Amsterdam South. They turned the entire court upside down in the hunt for their cola millions. “4.5 hours long!”


It’s really ridiculous: Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam thought they could get 2.6 million euros from Coca-Cola by having fun for a few hours and drinking Coke at five music festivals. Although only their visit to Tomorrowland took place in 2013, they still sent an invoice for the entire amount to the soft drink manufacturer. Sung loose.

Cola lady

Coca-Cola rang a bell because this is a very unusually high amount. What turns out? Bas and Nicolette have been making all these appointments with a cola lady they know from the schoolyard. “The influencers talked to this marketing manager about the invoices via WhatsApp for a month,” RTL Z previously revealed.

It all sounds a bit shady and it’s not without reason that the cola lady was summarily fired by Coca-Cola. Still, Bas and Nicolette want those cola millions. They had kept those few days free and hired an au pair, RTL Z previously reported. “It’s so fucked up,” said one Flair reviewer.


According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, it is crystal clear that Bas and Nicolette suffer from overconfidence. And the fact that they are really litigating over those cola millions is bad for their image, according to experts. But hey, maybe they really need it. Their renovation was probably very expensive and nowadays we even see them advertising crackers.

The first witness interview took place yesterday and Bas and Nicolette appear to be completely overloading the court. The legal system in our country is already completely at a standstill and now there is the addition of the influencer couple who prey on millions. The two of them can shake hands with Rachel Hazes.

Too much time

Even the court is going crazy about it. “They wanted to hear nine witnesses. According to the judge, this took too much time, but the lawyers of both parties were allowed to examine six witnesses under oath today to ‘uncover the facts’,” said RTL News.

“In the end, only two of the six witnesses came forward, because the lawyers of both sides had so many questions to ask. The first witness was the former manager at Coca-Cola, who had been fired immediately. For more than 4.5 hours, with only a fifteen minute break in between, she was put to the test.”

That doesn’t make any sense

That cola lady from the schoolyard has no idea where Bas and Nicolette get those 2.6 million from — according to her it’s 1.2 million. And the second witness, a media manager from Coca-Cola, states that there were no agreements at all with the Insta couple. “Internal emails between Coca-Cola employees confirm this.”

Whether Bas and Nicolette are still crazy about that cola lady? “If that friendship was there, it seems to have cooled considerably in court. During the long interrogation of the manager, ‘team Baniloki’ regularly shook their heads in denial and in disbelief.”

How long will this coke craze last? “The remaining witnesses will be interviewed in the first quarter of 2025.”
