John de Mol refuses to give Wilfred Genee another program in addition to Today Inside, because he fears that the ratings hit will suffer, thinks Victor Vlam. “He wants full focus.”
Tomorrow evening is the day: John de Mol will come to the Today Inside studio and want to hear whether the men from the program want to make another season after the summer. At least, that is what his media confidant Evert Santegoeds says. He is in direct contact with John and states in his podcast that Wilfred Genee is having bad luck.
Full focus
Wilfred thinks that John should give him his own interview program in addition to VI, but according to Evert that is really not going to happen. Is the broadcasting location the problem? No. Money then? Neither.
According to VI expert Victor Vlam, something else is going on. “I think the problem for John de Mol is not necessarily money, but Wilfred’s attention. I think that John de Mol especially wants Wilfred to focus on Today Inside and that he goes for it with full energy and full focus and that he does not focus on his own program.”
John fears that VI’s success will be eroded if Wilfred does something else on the side, Victor thinks. He says in De Communicado’s: “It could well be that if he gets his own program, that all his focus will be on that and that he wants to make it a success and that Today Inside will be added in, so to speak. .”
“I can imagine that as John de Mol, because you can weaken Today Inside with that. That could simply make it a worse program. Perhaps less sharply or we have seen how quickly arguments can arise. (…) I can understand John de Mol’s position.”
Big fight
If Wilfred does not have full focus, the chance of an argument increases, according to Victor. “Yes, I can also imagine that if the gentlemen are tired and not completely sharp, an argument will arise and things will still fall apart, so John has an interest in Wilfred’s full attention being paid to that program. I think that’s what’s really going on.”
By the way, Victor understands it from Wilfred’s perspective. “It is very understandable from him, because he naturally wants to have a career after VI. If Johan and René stop, he wants something else to continue with. He wants to prevent his career from collapsing after Johan Derksen retires…”