Show in Hamburg shows Cindy Sherman and her relationship to fashion

For the first time, an exhibition is dedicated to the dialogue between the American artist Cindy Sherman and the fashion world. Under the title “Anti-Fashion”, around 50 works from five decades can be seen in the Falckenberg Collection from Saturday to March 3rd, the Hamburg Deichtorhallen announced on Wednesday. “In her photographs, Sherman stages herself in a variety of roles with which she questions traditional beauty ideals and stereotypes both playfully and critically,” said curator Alessandra Nappo. Fashion runs like a common thread through Sherman’s multifaceted work.

The artist uses commercial commissions that she receives from fashion houses such as Chanel, designers such as Stella McCartney and fashion magazines as a source of inspiration. “But conversely, the artist continues to influence the aesthetics of the fashion world today and provides significant impulses,” it continued. Her provocative photographs did not convey the glamour, sex appeal or elegance that is commonly associated with fashion. “Instead, they show figures that are anything but desirable and contradict the flawless ideals of the fashion world.” (dpa)
