Lajos Detari turns 60: history and anecdotes between Genoa, Ancona and Bologna

A debate always arises around him: champion or not? History and anecdotes of a genius capable of beating Brazil alone, of missing a goal on purpose, of creating works of art that are not fit for a museum

Our dear Lajos Detari – who turns sixty today – belongs to the prestigious ranks of those men blessed with talent who, however – don’t know what to do with all that talent. Are they capricious children who receive a gift and don’t even unwrap it, so who cares? So they live with that talent for a while, they polish it like Aladdin with a lamp and give us and themselves the illusion of cultivating it, then they get lazy, finally dismissing the matter with a shrug. And we wrote “shoulders”, even if in reality Detari – not exactly an example of refinement – would use a term that rhymes, we understand each other.
