Stuff stolen from graves, mother reacts ‘very sad’

Ornaments have been stolen from two graves at the Munsel cemetery in Boxtel in recent days. One of the victims, a woman whose son was buried in the cemetery, reacts on Facebook ‘very sad’. Mayor Ronald van Meygaarden has also expressed his disgust about it.

The mother calls on people to put back souvenirs that have been taken from her child’s grave. “Someone felt it was necessary to take almost all the stuff off. We don’t know if they were thrown away or taken,” she added.

“Stealing from a grave, disgusting and unacceptable”, Mayor Ronald van Meygaarden responds to the desecration of the grave at Kastanjelaan. “You keep your hands off other people’s things, but certainly in a place like this with things that mainly have emotional value. This really hits the next of kin. Sad, very sad.”

Van Meygaarden advises victims to report: “Only then can the police and judiciary track down and punish the perpetrator.” He instructs the perpetrators to return the items: “This is about more than material value.”
