Brazil, Neymar is in trouble: he has broken an unwritten rule inside the Seleção locker room …

The World Cup is getting closer and closer and the time has come in Brazil to talk about Neymar … What has the … terrible boy done this time? He sided with Bolsonaro in the elections, but he also put the national team in the middle …

The World Cup in Qatar is getting closer and closer and, as has been happening for eight years now, the time has come in Brazil to talk about Neymar … In 2014 O Ney was Brazil’s great hope for the home world championship , but the injury in the match against Colombia sank both him and the team, which in the famous semifinal against Germany suffered a 7-1 defeat that went down in the history of the event. In 2018, on the other hand, after excellent performances in the group and in the round of 16 against Mexico, the bad match against Belgium in the quarterfinals opened the media trial on the number 10, accused a little from all sides of diving too much to deceive the referees.

Support for Bolsonaro

And since traditions are important, once again O Ney ends up at the center of the controversy in patri. What did the … terrible boy from green-gold football up to this time? All the fault of the elections. As the Spanish newspaper explains Sport.ex, with the fact of having openly sided in favor of the outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro, then defeated in the electoral round by his rival Lula, Neymar has broken an unwritten law inside the Seleção locker room, the one that provides not to take a position on issues policies. Neymar did so and clearly, using his social media and his popularity to try to influence Bolsonaro’s re-election. But that’s not even the problem.

You can’t touch La Seleção …

The point is that in his campaign, Neymar also put the national team in the middle. Among his statements regarding the elections, the striker explained that he would have celebrated the re-election of Bolsonaro at the World Cup, dedicating the first goal scored in the world championship event to the politician. Which, they explain from Spain, was far too much. And the teammates did not appreciate at all, creating an atmosphere inside the locker room that is not the best two weeks before the start of the World Cup. Without considering that, as Neymar himself explained, this will be his last world experience. And the fact that it starts amidst controversy, exactly like the previous two, shouldn’t surprise anyone …
