Households and companies pay 2 percent more municipal taxes

Households and companies pay 2 percent more municipal taxes

Municipalities expect to receive 2 percent more from levies from households and companies this year. The property tax (ozb) is the largest source of income for municipalities and it also increased more than the average in the past ten years. This is reported by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Owners of a house, business premises or other immovable property must pay property tax to the municipality annually. The amount of the property tax is determined on the basis of the WOZ value, which in turn moves with house prices with a one-year delay. Because house prices have been rising for years, so have the WOZ values ​​and with it the level of the property tax.

Researchers from Statistics Netherlands expect that municipalities will collect 4.8 billion euros this year in this tax for owners of buildings. That is 4.4 percent more than was budgeted for 2021. The increase is also slightly larger than the average annual increase in property tax of 4 percent over the past ten years. The increase is less than the 5.8 percent recorded in 2021.

The property tax, the waste levy and the sewerage levy are the levies that municipalities generate the most, namely three quarters of the total amount of 11.5 billion euros raised. Of these, property tax is by far the most important. The amounts collected with the levies for waste materials and sewage will also increase, by 4 and 2.9 percent respectively.

Municipalities collected much less tourist tax last year, because there were fewer tourists due to the corona measures. This year, municipalities are expected to collect 377 million euros from tourists, 33 million euros more than in 2021. In the latter year, income from tourist tax fell by 68 million euros.

Amsterdam expects to receive 135 million euros in tourist tax this year, two thirds more than the amount stated in the revised budget of 2021.


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