Guus Meeuwis receives special award during his concert

1/3 Meeuwis receives the Golden Medal of Honor from the mayor.

A big surprise for Guus Meeuwis: on Sunday evening he received the Golden Medal of Honor from the municipality of Tilburg. Meeuwis was performing in Poppodium 013 when he was suddenly interrupted by mayor Theo Weterings. The artist was very surprised.

Profile picture of Tom Berkers
Written by

Tom Berkers

“Guys, stop for a second,” one of the band members suddenly says. Meeuwis has only just started the show on Sunday evening when the percussionist interrupts him to say that the mayor of Tilburg is present. Meeuwis looks surprised when Theo Weterings walks onto the stage, holding a special award in his hands.

It concerns the Golden Medal of Honor of the municipality of Tilburg. This is an award that, according to the municipality, is awarded in exceptional cases to people who have delivered an exceptional performance at Tilburg University. In this way Meeuwis has contributed to the pride and image of the city. “Tilburg has become attached to you. You are an essential part of our city,” says Weterings. Meeuwis also receives the medal because of his silver jubilee.

“If no one listens and comes to look, it won’t work.”

The singer comes from Mariahout, but has spent a large part of his life in Tilburg. He didn’t see the mayor’s visit coming. “I am stunned. I am very proud of this”, Meeuwis responds after he received the award. “You can make music for 27 years, but if no one listens and comes to see it, it won’t work. So he belongs to all of you.” Then Meeuwis starts his song ‘Tilburg’.

That it is a surprise is also apparent from the reaction of the public. Everyone claps for their idol full of enthusiasm and they shout ‘Guusje, Guusje, Guusje!’ called. Unbeknownst to the fans, they were in possession of a ticket for a very special performance all this time.

It is not the first time that Meeuwis has been awarded. This year he received the Edison Oeuvre Prize for his music. And as if that doesn’t sound like music to his ears, he can also go to New York at the end of October to give two concerts there.

ALSO READ: Guus Meeuwis awarded Edison Pop oeuvre prize: ‘More fun than expected’
