Mendo & Laureen opened a B&B in the Spanish countryside: ‘This was love at first sight’

Many people dream about getting stuck in traffic again or looking through their busy schedule: a quiet life in a sunny foreign country. Laureen and Mendo dared to take the plunge. They bought a B&B in Andalusia. We wanted to know all about that!

Love at first sight

When we meet Mendo (51) and Laureen (50), they have just returned from a short trip to the Netherlands. There they attended Mendo’s brother’s wedding. Mendo: ‘It was very nice to see everyone again, we had wonderful days.’ Nowadays, a visit to the Netherlands is actually a kind of holiday, because for Laureen and Mendo Spain is now home.
The couple met about 35 years ago in the Soos in Zoetermeer. Laureen was born and raised in Zoetermeer, Mendo lived in Moerkapelle. In the Soos, the two bumped into each other and they danced. Laureen: ‘We started dating soon after.’ Mendo adds: ‘Love at first sight!’

Everything for each other

The fact that Mendo and Laureen emigrated to Spain last February was not a step that everyone saw coming. Actually, the two had everything right in the Netherlands. Mendo: ‘I worked at MBORijnland in Zoetermeer, the school I used to attend. A wonderful job, no day was the same.’ Besides standing in front of the class, Mendo also did work as a training actor. Laureen had a hectic job at Schiphol and the two had a busy social life together. With the purchase of their dream house in Boskoop, the picture was complete.

Retirement in Spain

Why would someone go abroad in such a situation? Laureen and Mendo often ask themselves when they watch one of their favorite shows together I leave to look. Yet they also start to develop a travel itch, which they cannot ignore.
Mendo: ‘Laureen worked very hard, but also spent hours in traffic jams to Schiphol every day. She often left at six in the morning and did not return until after dinner. I still had a good time at work, but more and more peripheral matters came into play with my job. Less education, more administration.’ The desire for a less hectic life becomes stronger. Initially, Laureen and Mendo are therefore already dreaming of a pension in Spain. Yet their lives take a Spanish turn much earlier!

I am leaving (voluntarily)

A turbulent period begins for Laureen and Mendo. Mendo suddenly becomes very ill and has to spend some time in the ICU. The couple also experiences that several young people in their environment suddenly become ill and die. Mendo: ‘Fortunately, I have fully recovered, but it was very confronting to experience all this. You start thinking about how short life can be and what you really want to do with your time.’
When Schiphol offers staff members a voluntary departure scheme during corona times, Laureen and Mendo see this as a golden opportunity to open a new chapter. Mendo: ‘At the end of 2020 we were looking forward to I leave to watch. This time we thought: we can do this too, and much better!’

What we had 35 years ago with each other, we now had with this house

Sushi and champagne

The search for a house in Spain starts soon after. It is immediately clear that Spain must become the location. Laureen: ‘Spain has always attracted us, and I also speak quite a bit of Spanish.’
When Laureen sees Casa Paco via a website, a B&B in Andalusia with a view of the mountains, it is love at first sight. Mendo: ‘What we had with each other 35 years ago, we now have with this house.’
Laureen and Mendo make an offer and when they hear by email that it has been accepted, they are momentarily perplexed. Laureen: ‘We were extremely happy, but also very overwhelmed. Somehow we still couldn’t believe that we were really going to take this step.’ After the shock, there is immediately good celebration. Mendo: ‘We actually celebrate everything with food, so we ordered sushi and opened a bottle of champagne!’

A new homeland

At the end of January 2022, Laureen and Mendo will leave for their new homeland. Friends and family are happy for the couple, although the goodbye is also hard for them. Mendo: ‘Fortunately, my parents understood it well, they have the same wanderlust. They actually wanted to emigrate with their family to America at a young age, but this did not happen. After their retirement they did live abroad.’ Laureen: ‘Some people in our environment were sad, but they also understood our choice well. A number of friends even said that deep down they would also like to take such a step.’

During the renovation of Casa Paco | Image: Own image

The renovation

Once you have arrived in Andalusia, the work can begin. Laureen and Mendo decide to convert the previous owners’ residence into a guest room. The separate apartment on the site becomes their private residence. Mendo: ‘We deliberately chose that so that we have a place to retreat to.’ Many friends quickly come over to help with odd jobs. The old owners also help, they tip a good contractor, whom Laureen and Mendo now regard as a gift from heaven. Mendo: ‘We were really lucky with him. He arranges everything, works hard, discusses exactly what he does. No horror scenes like you see I leave sometimes sees.’

An empty table

However, there are also times when it is tough. For example, Easter, an occasion normally celebrated with the family, Laureen and Mendo are now spending just the two of them. Laureen: ‘The table was set very nicely and we had good food. Still, it felt crazy. At such moments you think extra about what you left behind.’ There are also other times when Spanish village life is not so heavenly. ‘There have been several weeks with nothing but rain and storms. Our walls even looked completely orange from the Sahara sand! And that while the outside had just been painted white.’ Still, the couple does not throw in the towel, but waits for sunnier days.

New friends

Laureen describes how another angel crosses their path and gives their Spanish adventure a nudge in the right direction. Laureen: ‘We came into contact with a neighbor a few kilometers away. An elderly man from Wales. He has helped us with so much. Practically and socially.’ Laureen and Mendo have a lot of confidence in this new social life, because they think the other expats and the Andalusians are fantastic. Mendo: ‘People are really helpful and friendly, we notice that time and again. I like to chat with people, so I sometimes have a hard time not speaking the language well yet. But that too is slowly improving.’

The opening

Since June Boutique Bed & Breakfast Casa Paco officially open to guests. And that is going well, because the stay has already received a number of rave reviews. Mendo: ‘We also find it important that everything is taken care of down to the last detail, we work hard for that.’ With four guest rooms, a swimming pool, jacuzzi and garden to maintain, Laureen and Mendo are not having a good time. Laureen: ‘But it’s our own thing, and we can work together. That just feels really nice.’ In the coming period, the couple wants to enjoy the beautiful Spanish landscape and climate. And the food of course! Mendo: ‘Everything tastes good here, but fried squid is my new favorite.’

The garden of Casa Paco | Own image

Future dreams

And what does the future look like? Mendo & Laureen have many plans for that! Mendo: ‘I still provide online coaching to teachers in the Netherlands and I would also like to give various training courses here on location. I’m already making plans for that.’ Laureen also has her own ideas. “I used to work as a BABS, so I can see myself doing something with weddings or honeymoons here.” Well, the romance should be fine in such a location. It wasn’t love at first sight for nothing!

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