what happened to Valdir Segato

The Brazilian bodubuilder passed away at the age of 55. Disregarding the doctors’ warnings, Synthol was injected

Valdir Segato, 55-year-old bodybuilder followed by over 1.5 million followers on TikTok, died of a respiratory crisis. The man was known because he bluntly admitted to resorting to the use of Synthol, a synthetic blend based on oil, lidocaine and benzyl alcohol to swell his muscles out of all proportion. And in fact it was precisely the abnormal size of her biceps and pectorals that attracted so many onlookers to her social profiles.

The death of Valdir Segato

The Brazilian bodybuilder lived alone in Ribeirao Preto, about 300 km from São Paulo, and was dedicated exclusively to the production of social media content. When he felt ill, he asked the neighbors for help. One of them said: “It was about 6 in the morning. He came crawling and knocked on my mother’s window. He knocked several times until she woke up and said ‘Help me, help me because I’m dying'”. He was taken to the hospital, but the doctors were unable to save him.

Synthol and doctors’ warning

Valdir Segato did not want to hear reasons and continued to use Synthol, contrary to what the doctors suggested. In fact, in a 2019 interview released to Daily Mailthe Brazilian bodybuilder had said: “Doctors have repeatedly advised me to stop using Synthol but it is my decision. I do it because I like it“It was explained to him that he was at risk of various kinds of diseases, from muscle fibrosis to tumors, from brain problems to infections and other muscle woes, but he didn’t want to hear reasons. In the end it was his heart that betrayed him. The results of the autopsy. were not disclosed, but all major Brazilian media claim it was a heart attack.

Valdir Segato and the disproportionate physique

Segato’s was a real disease, an addiction to wanting to see his muscles more and more swollen, regardless of the fact that his physique was absolutely disproportionate, as can be seen from the photos posted on social media. She had swollen pecs, biceps, and trapezes, while her forearms remained normal and her abs less swollen than the rest. “I’ve doubled the size of my biceps, but I still want to be bigger,” he said without realizing what he was doing to his body.
