Ad: “Growling Creatures” – the first metal band made of endangered animals

Presenting Growling Creatures: “Nest Destroyer”
“Furry Inferno” (hare / lynx / otter) and “Small Number of the Beast” (wisent / gray seal)


What do bison, tree frog, gray seal, hare, lynx, cuckoo and gray shrike have in common? They all live in Germany and are considered endangered species. Together they get loud and draw attention to themselves and the protection of endangered species as newcomers of the year: The Growling Creatures – a band with real purpose – and their first metal EP are born.

The fame of one of the best-known amphibian species in Europe is not enough: we are talking about the tree frog. The leafy green frog is not only in the list of Growling Creatures, but also on the red list of endangered species in Germany and is considered “strictly protected” under the Federal Nature Conservation Act. The tree frog, which is only around three to five centimeters tall, is increasingly losing its habitat due to constant environmental change and sealed surfaces. He knows that many other animal species feel the same way and that’s why he joins his bandmates in raising his voice to raise awareness of the threats to many animal species. And loudness is in his blood: Thanks to the sound bladder in his throat, the male can reach around 90 decibels, even rivaling that of trucks.

Lynxes were extinct in Germany, now they are coming back. After the lynx is slowly reclaiming its habitat, its very good eyesight already sets its sights on the next target: the charts. Normally a loner, Europe’s largest cat pricked up those famous brush ears when she heard about the Growling Creatures. With the band, the lynx can draw attention to its threat and gain visibility itself.

The hare has excellent hearing, but would never point out to his bandmates that someone didn’t hit the right note. Since its habitat is being reduced by more cultivated areas, the brown hare is looking for new paths: the long-eared bat feels at home in almost all of Europe, North and South America, New Zealand and Australia. So he would like to go on a big tour with his band to spread the message “Protect Endangered Species” everywhere. The shy hare is actually rather reserved, but as a mostly nocturnal creature he loses all inhibitions at evening concerts when it comes to his passion for metal.

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The gray dove-sized bird is not a gray mouse. On the contrary: its name says it all. The famous cuckoo call has a long range, spanning multiple pitches and pitch intervals. With his reputation he adds another melodic voice to the Growling Creatures. And that makes perfect sense. Because as a result of climate change, the cuckoo is becoming more and more active in order to inspire fans for species protection together with his band members.

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The great gray shrike is much less dangerous than its name suggests: it does not come from choking others, but from its ability to regurgitate indigestible food. His black mask adds to his menacing image. What is more threatening, however, is the loss of habitat that affects the gray shrike. Due to the loss of wetland or heathland, the rare bird loses its breeding grounds, among other things. That’s why the passerine bird, which weighs up to 75 grams, seeks the stage of the Growling Creatures with its rather simple trill. The message is much more important for him: not only survive by hanging and strangling, but more effective species protection.

It was not difficult for the band founders to convince the largest and heaviest land mammal to become part of the band. The wisent is an absolute herd animal and its long shaggy hair is made for extensive metal headbanging. The two to three meter long animal is also an absolute musical heavyweight: With its roaring voice, the giant cow is ideal as the lead singer of the Growling Creatures. And the bison has enough to growl: free-ranging bison were extinct in Germany until 2013 in the Rothaargebirge – the home area of ​​the Krombacher brewery – eight bison were released to protect the population. In 2008 and 2014, the European bison species was named Animal of the Year – and this year the title “Newcomer of the Year 2022” will certainly be added.

Germany’s largest predator lives on Helgoland and was almost wiped out by hunting. Despite its habitat comeback, it is still considered critically endangered. The animal, which weighs up to 300 kg, can dive for up to 20 minutes and thus shows staying power – perfect for long growling sessions. In addition, the sensitive hearing allows the mammal to assign sound waves to different directions – great for giving tips to the other band members and discussing the stage set-up. The seal has the best musical prerequisites: ‘From the dunes to the stage’, thought the gray seal and joined the Growling Creatures.

Krombacher will donate all proceeds from the sale of the limited merchandising items as well as income from the music distribution of the Growling Creatures to the bird protection fund of the NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland) eV for projects in favor of endangered bird species.

Would you like to donate yourself? Here is the donation account:


Bank for Social Economy Cologne
IBAN: DE65 3702 0500 0008 0518 05

Keyword: “Donation bird protection fund Krombacher”

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Since 2016, the Krombacher brewery has been committed to the protection of species in Germany. There is more information about the project here.


The Krombacher brewery acts for the benefit of people and nature. here Learn more about sustainability commitment.

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Krombacher goes Festival. The Krombacher Stammtisch can be found this summer for the first time at the Wacken Open Air. More information
