Taliban: ‘Women who don’t fully cover themselves try to look like animals’ | Abroad

In early May, the Taliban’s supreme leader issued an order that women must cover themselves completely, including their faces, in public. This is preferably done with the traditional burqa. Previously, a headscarf covering the hair was sufficient.

As of this week, placards depicting two fully-covered women have also been placed at busy points in Kandahar. In addition to the message about the burqa, the signs also make it clear that “wearing short, tight and thin clothes” is against the decree of the Taliban leader.

“We have put up these posters for women who do not cover themselves completely. We want to inform their families that we will take action in accordance with the decree,” said Abdoel Rahman Tayebi, ministry manager in Kabul.

The head of the household is warned for the first two violations of the decree. The third time follows a prison sentence of three days. And on the fourth time, legal action is taken.
