Pump owners see many motorists heading to Germany | 1Limburg

Motorists are massively crossing the border into Germany to refuel there now that Germany has lowered excise duties on fuel.

Gas stations in the border region notice this, reports chairman Ewout Klok of the Tank Stations Association (BETA). “It’s not good this morning.”

Tax reduction
In Germany, a tax cut of 35 cents per liter of petrol and 17 cents per liter of diesel went into effect on Wednesday. “We notice that people have been waiting for that and have emptied their tank,” says Klok. It is not so bad at his own gas station in Hoogeveen. “We’re just too far from the border, I guess”. Gas stations less than 30 kilometers from the German border, however, have it quiet.

In the border region it is already fairly busy at the gas stations. According to the ANP, it is among others queuing in Herzogenrath near Kerkrade, Elmpt near Roermond, Kaldenkirchen near Tegelen/Venlo.

Also read: Refueling in Germany much cheaper

Still, Klok thinks that when the novelty wears off, many motorists will refuel in the Netherlands. “Refueling is also something that shouldn’t be too clumsy. You prefer to do that close to home.” The BETA leader expects it to be clear after a few days to a week what the situation will be like in the near future.

Allowance in the Netherlands
The gas station owners hope that the Dutch government will meet them with extra measures. “An extra reduction in excise duty is a lot of hassle, but a reduction in VAT can be implemented quickly,” says Klok. “If it goes from 21 percent to 9 percent, that makes a significant difference.” The Netherlands already implemented an excise duty reduction on 1 April, which will remain in effect until the end of this year. “It is temporary, but that was also Kok’s penny”, Klok refers to an excise tax increase from the 1990s. “That has also remained for thirty years, so who knows, that may also be possible with this reduction.”
