We’re giving away Blu-rays from “Belfast”

The film drama “Belfast” takes place in Belfast in the 1960s. The family of nine-year-old Buddy lives there in a predominantly Protestant district with a few Catholic residents. In the course of the Northern Ireland conflict, the family’s residential area becomes the scene of vandalism. Buddy’s family must suddenly decide whether to leave the only place they’ve ever considered home.

The film has been available digitally since April 28th and will also be available on DVD and Blu-ray from May 12th.

For the home cinema launch of “Belfast” we are giving away three Blu-rays for the film.

Buddy’s family is Protestant themselves, but has many Catholic friends. As a result, the boy’s parents (played by Caitríona Balfe and Jamie Dornan) and his grandparents (played by Oscar winner Judi Dench and Ciarán Hinds) are not interested in continuing the ongoing riots. Although his father teaches him not to judge people by their denomination, his love for a Catholic girl further confuses the nine-year-old. In addition to the historical events, the film is primarily about the family life of the protagonists and the childhood of Buddy.

‘Belfast’ is written by actor, director and screenwriter Kenneth Branagh. Born in Belfast in 1960, he moved to Reading when he was nine. Branagh received an Oscar for the screenplay of the black-and-white drama in 2022. The film was also nominated in six other categories. According to the press release, the 63-year-old created “a poignant tale of a childhood of love, laughter and music, thrown into turmoil by the social unrest of 1960s Ireland.”

You can read our review of the film here.

The trailer for “Belfast” can be seen here:

We’re giving away three Blu-rays of the movie “Belfast”. Simply fill out the form and enter “Belfast” as the answer. The closing date for entries is May 31, 2022. The legal process is excluded.




