2nd Bundesliga: FC St. Pauli can’t win against 1st FC Nürnberg either – 2nd Bundesliga – football

The game started fast and intense, but there weren’t any clear chances. St. Pauli gained a clear advantage without being able to embarrass Nuremberg. The “Club” didn’t defend flawlessly, but showed good positional play. And also had a good opportunity himself, but Tempelmann shot just over the goal (40th).

Nürnberg started with a little more pressure after the change in front of 29,312 spectators, but the hosts had the chance to take the lead: Finn Ole Becker only hit the post from the edge of the penalty area (57th). Lukas Daschner also missed the lead for St. Pauli (65th). Then Kyereh kept his nerve on the penalty – but Duman fought back.
