330 million for Berlin’s economy and culture – the direction is right!

After two years of pandemic and crisis, the capital should finally pick up again – the Senate is helping culture and the economy with 330 million euros. A comment from BZ editor Stefan Peter.

For some time now, hardly a day has gone by without the Governing Mayor appearing in front of the cameras. On Monday, Franziska Giffey had particularly positive news to announce: The Senate wants to provide 330 million euros to enable Berlin’s economy and culture to restart after two years of the Corona crisis.

This includes around 30 measures. Some are worded very vaguely, others are just a new edition of old projects and almost all of them still lack a concrete budget. Yes, the direction is right!

The economy has suffered enormously from the pandemic. Now it should, now it has to go up again. You also need a lot of money for that.

However, the millions should be well invested. Because only crisis-proof companies offer jobs – and create new ones! All the more gratifying that on Monday several business representatives praised the new approach to politics.

“People don’t just listen to us, most of our proposals can also be found again,” said an association boss, who otherwise despaired of the Senate, to the BZ

It is now up to the House of Representatives to approve the program.
