“After the hard stage of the ‘procés’, we are in another moment and coexistence is perceived again”

Maria Eugènia Gay (Barcelona, ​​1975) replaced Teresa Cunillera as Government delegate in Catalonia in January. Until then, she was dean of the Col·legi de l’Advocacia (ICAB), a position where she experienced first-hand the tensions arising from the ‘procés’. In this interview, the first that she offers since she arrived at her new position, she assures that the situation has changed and “social peace” has increased.

He has been in office for just over two months. What differences have you found with his previous role?

Before, as dean of the ICAB and a lawyer, she exercised the right of defense of the legal profession. And now, the representation that I hold allows me to defend and guarantee all the rights and freedoms of the citizenry as a whole. I have broadened the spectrum of my public service vocation. Now I try to make the Delegation an open, integrating institution, and one that finds solutions, through the Government of Spain and the different ministries. What we do is make visible the work that the Government does in Catalonia and bring that work closer to the citizen.

What guidelines did Pedro Sánchez give you when he commissioned you to be the delegate in Catalonia?

In principle, continue with the commendable work carried out by Teresa Cunillera: strengthen dialogue, build bridges, strengthen ties with Catalan society.

You lived through the toughest stage of the ‘procés’ at the ICAB. Do you think that the temperature of social confrontation has dropped?

Yes. After that hard stage, fortunately we find ourselves in another moment, in which coexistence, social peace and cohesion are once again perceived. The institutions as a whole experienced a complex moment, and thanks to the dialogue that has been opened, and the reconstruction of relations between the Government and the Government, the situation has eased. There has been a drop in tension that the Catalan public appreciates.

To what extent have pardons or the table between governments fostered this new climate?

They have contributed a lot. The pardons were a very successful measure. And the dialogue table is very important. It will be slow, it will take time and it will not be easy, but it will undoubtedly allow us to reach agreements that will bring the positions of the central and regional governments closer together. In the pact that was reached, the bilateral commission was also fundamental: that impulse that has been given to it was a necessity. And both are complemented by the dialogue table between Catalan parties.

But the Generalitat has no interest in this last table.

The agreement reached contemplated these three legs. And that is why I am sure that the Government will comply.

The table between governments is not going to fail, there is no other option than dialogue

ERC partners believe that the table between governments is useless. What would happen if it fails, if ERC does not give up its maximum goals?

I think it will not fail, there is no other option than dialogue. The Constitution establishes what it establishes.

The beginning of his mandate has coincided with great international turmoil. What role is the Delegation playing in trying to alleviate the consequences of the war in Ukraine?

Today the phrase of Robert Schuman, one of the fathers of the EU, gains a lot of force: ‘Europe will not be made all at once or in a joint work; it will be done thanks to concrete achievements that create, in the first place, a de facto solidarity’. We are at a time when maximum solidarity is required. We are going to protect citizens against the negative effects that this crisis is having. The Delegation has first of all the need to deal with the refugee crisis. The reception management is completely coordinated by the Ministry of Inclusion. Refugees are initially cared for at the Fira by the Red Cross, which conducts an initial interview to determine what kind of support they need. This first phase is later complemented with the processing of the temporary protection permit, which provides for an authorization to reside and work in Spain, and also for rights such as health care and social protection. It is comprehensive coverage. The coordination between the Delegation, Generalitat and town halls has been extraordinary and has been fundamental.

How many refugees have arrived in Catalonia?

The exact amount cannot be determined, because many have come in transit. We have already delivered some 1,900 protection permits, and more than 800 children have been sent to school. We are very satisfied. The Government is going to design a series of measures to integrate Ukrainian refugees in Spain. The possibility that they can teach classes, to speak to children in their language, and that they can be integrated into schools, where there will be Ukrainian students, is being studied.

We study the possibility that Ukrainian refugees can teach Ukrainian children in their language

The other international front has been opened in the Sahara. What can be said to those who do not understand this historical turn of the Government?

I don’t think there has been a twist. What has been done is to promote a serious political agreement that will last over time and is feasible. Above all, prioritizing the security, prosperity and territorial integrity of Spain. With Morocco we are united by historical, geographical and economic ties of great importance. More than 17,000 Spanish companies have economic relations with Catalonia. There are more than 800,000 Moroccans living in Spain. It was essential to close the conflict with a country like Morocco. There has been no change in criteria: already in 2008 Spain’s position was clear, in tune with the United Nations, or with countries such as France or Germany. Accepting Morocco’s 2007 autonomy plan was seen as the most viable and stable solution over time.

What do you think of the PSC, ERC, Junts and ‘comuns’ agreement on immersion in schools?

Seem right. It is an agreement that respects the judgment of the TSJC. It is a very wise decision, I have always been a staunch defender of the Catalan language. I was educated in Catalan, when there was the option of doing it in one language or another, in the 70s. This defense of the Catalan language does not prevent me from defending that students learn and have sufficient notions of Spanish.

Unlike his predecessors in office, his political career has just begun. What can be his next station?

I am now 100% involved with the Government Delegation and this task that the president has entrusted to me, and I will continue here.

I am now 100% involved with the Government Delegation, and I will continue here

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But surely she is no stranger to rumors that place her among the candidates to head the socialist list for the Barcelona City Council. Would she like to be the mayor of Barcelona?

I like being the Government delegate (laughs).
