322 social tenants caught with property abroad, Limburg takes the crown | Interior

Since March 2021, the Flemish government has been checking whether social tenants have properties abroad, because then they are not eligible for social housing. Until the end of 2022, 677 investigations into foreign ownership were requested, reports Flemish Minister of Finance and Housing Matthias Diependaele (N-VA). A total of 322 social fraudsters were caught. Most studies were conducted in Morocco (295), Turkey (243) and Italy (68). Most fraudulent tenants can be found in the Limburg mining municipalities.

Whoever gets caught has to pay back the social discounts on the monthly rent – an amount that quickly rises to several thousand euros. The fraudster is also evicted from the social housing, freeing up a place for someone on the waiting list. In addition, the fraudster must also cough up the investigation and court costs. This way, the Flemish government does not tear its pants at the inspections abroad.

Look. Stricter rules for social tenants
