What do you think: The nitrogen approach of this cabinet has gone too far

Within the ranks of the VVD and CDA, great concern has arisen about the leaked nitrogen approach of this cabinet. There are regions where emissions must be reduced by eighty percent. For the Veluwe, the largest nature reserve in the Netherlands, there is even talk of a one hundred percent reduction in nitrogen emissions.

VVD and CDA members of the Provincial Council of Gelderland do not like that, according to Algemeen Dagblad. Farmers are also angry and announce that they are going back to the streets with their tractors.

More than four hundred VVD members will submit a motion on Saturday in which they advise the cabinet and the House of Representatives faction against the plans: “Don’t do this to the Netherlands. Don’t let nitrogen stop all progress and suffocate our country.” turning against those government plans is a problem, because the provinces have to implement those nitrogen measures correctly.

From Drenthe to South Holland and Gelderland; Criticism of the rigorous nitrogen plans is mounting from all parts of the Netherlands. The Drenthe VVD States member Willemien Meeuwissen reacts incomprehensibly to the nitrogen approach of her party colleague Christianne van der Wal: “We do not understand it at all. It is not at all liberal what she is doing!”

Farmers’ organizations themselves will wait Friday, when the minister announces the nitrogen plans. “But I have the feeling that we have to start the tractors again after that,” said foreman Mark van den Oever of Farmers Defense Force.

What do you think, has this cabinet gone too far with the nitrogen approach?
