Verhofstadt on board of new anti-corruption foundation founded by Russian dissident Navalny | Abroad

Incarcerated Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has set up an international foundation to fight corruption. He reported this today on Telegram. The board of directors includes Member of the European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt.

In addition to Verhofstadt, Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaja, political scientist Francis Fukuyama and journalist Anne Applebaum also sit on the board. Navalnaya chairs the board of directors.

“The foundation will work in full transparency, and the first contribution will be the Sakharov Prize awarded to me by the European Parliament (50,000 euros),” Navalny announces.

Navalny is currently serving a prison sentence of 11.5 years in a Russian penal camp. © REUTERS

Russian President Vladimir Putin will not succeed in closing the foundation, Navalny said. More than a year ago, the Russian anti-corruption foundation of Navalny was banned by the Kremlin for being “extremist”. The opposition leader’s revelations about corruption and abuse of power by the Russian leaders made Navalny powerful enemies.

The Kremlin critic is currently serving an 11.5-year prison sentence in a penal camp after being convicted of fraud. The Russian dish is generally seen as controlled by the Kremlin.

Russian opposition leader Navalny to prison camp in Melechovo, where torture and rape are said to be the order of the day
