Timmermans is open to nitrogen plans of BBB forewoman Caroline van der Plas

European Commissioner Frans Timmermans calls the nitrogen plans of BBB forewoman Caroline van der Plas “a sincere attempt” to protect nature.

“It is not a fairytale note,” said Timmermans, who had a long conversation in The Hague with the winner of the Provincial Council elections. He came to The Hague to talk to Van der Plas about the question of where there is scope in European legislation and regulations to halt the deterioration of nature reserves. “I’m not here to explain the rules,” said Timmermans after criticism of previous statements that evoked that image.

Van der Plas feels “confirmed in a lot of what we have already said,” she said after the conversation, which lasted more than two hours. “The most important thing I learned is: Brussels does not say no. At least, not always”.

Van der Plas believes that reduction of nitrogen is not always the only measure needed to prevent the deterioration of nature areas. Timmermans calls it “conceivable” that there are indeed other methods. However, according to the European Commissioner, nitrogen precipitation should “always be addressed as a problem”. “You can come up with other methods, that is possible. But you should not forget that you have to do something about nitrogen one way or another”.

Different nitrogen policy

Timmermans calls BBB’s initiative memorandum for a different nitrogen policy “worth reading” and definitely “not a fairytale memorandum”. Those words were previously used by D66 MP Tjeerd de Groot to question the plans. “Mr Timmermans did read the note – unlike D66 –”, Van der Plas sneered.

Van der Plas acknowledges that the Brussels rules prescribe that the Netherlands must prevent nature reserves from deteriorating, but which measures are taken for this is up to the member states themselves. According to Van der Plas, this differs greatly per nature reserve. According to her, the problem lies mainly with the methods chosen by the Netherlands, and not with the European rules.

“What really encourages me is that the BBB wants to comply with European laws and regulations,” said Timmermans. He did reiterate that the European Commission is once again calling on the Netherlands to put an end to the deterioration of nature reserves as quickly as possible.
