There are so many police officers in Zoetermeer and this is how you can find them

If you regularly see the same police officer walking through your neighborhood, there is a good chance that it is the local police officer in your area. But what do they actually do? And how can you get in touch with them?

Eighteen community police officers are active in Zoetermeer, spread over Zoetermeer neighborhoods and (business) areas. Some community officers also visit secondary schools in the city. According to the legal standard, one community officer must be available for every five thousand Zoetermeer residents. Often a local police officer has the rank of sergeant.

What does a district officer do?

The local police officers who walk down the street every day are of course there for our safety, but they do a lot more than that. They are the point of contact for the local residents. They also know many local residents and know what is going on with the residents.

Neighborhood officer on social media

Not only do you see the agents physically on the street, they are also active online. According to the police, society is digitizing and a lot is happening online. Many community police officers are therefore active on social media and can use these platforms to see what is going on, have contact with residents and provide insight into their work. For example, the police officers of the Dorp and Palenstein districts are active on Instagram and others share posts via facebook and Twitter. Do you want to contact us and is there no rush? Then you can call the general telephone number 0900-8844 or online contact form fill. Then choose the right community officer with whom you want to contact.

To collaborate

The Zoetermeer community police officers are not alone. Of course they work together with colleagues from criminal investigation and enforcement, but they also regularly meet with the municipality, housing associations and other authorities. In this way all parties know what is going on in the neighborhood and they stay informed about each other.

Find your local police officer here

Maybe you already know your local police officer (s), but if that’s not the case, you can contact us via this police websitevery easy to contact.

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