Tapia and Coello debut with victory in Granada

04/13/2023 at 00:40


After resting in Reus, today they started the WPT Granada Open beating Josete Rico and Iván Ramírez 7-6 and 6-4

The big surprise came with the victory of Goenaga and Bautista over Coki Nieto and Pablo Lima by 6-4 and 6-2

Agustin Tapia and Arturo Coello they returned to the circuit as they left: winning. After resting in the Reus Open 500, the four-time champions this season, where they are the fittest couple, started the WPT Granada Open beating Josete Rico and Iván Ramírez 7-6 and 6-4.

The Spanish-Argentine duo, seeded number one in the absence of Lebrón and Galán, will face Javi Leal and Juan Cruz Belluati, the executioners of Lamperti/Libaak (6-4, 7-6), in the round of 16. Momo Gonzalez and Mike Yanguas also advancedchampions in Reus, beating Bergamini/Ruiz 7-5 and 6-4.

The big surprise came with theThe victory of Goenaga and Bautista over Coki Nieto and Pablo Lima by 6-4 and 6-2. In the women’s team, the defeat of the Alayeto sisters against Carolina Orsi and Lea Godallier (5-7, 7-6, 6-2).

The four seeds will debut this Thursday, including Gemma Triay/Ale Salazar and Ari Sánchez/Paula Josemaría, the two candidate couples to experience a new final. They will face Teresa Navarro/Marina Martínez and Melania Merino/Ana Catarina Nogueria, respectively.
