Etiket: truckers
‘Niet minder dan een volksrevolutie’: Canadees truckers protest kreeg also donaties uit België
Bij de 8 million dollars the zijn opgehaald voor de Canadase truckersprotesten citten also een vijfttal donaties uit België. That is detected The morning in a selected dataset. Canada’s Premier…
‘Honk honk! Fight Communism!’ Belgian donaties ondersteunen Canadees truckers protest
Een advocaat uit Overijse, een homeopathische dierenarts uit Grez-Doiceau of een gepensioneerd microbioloog uit Antwerpen die zich aansluit bij Viruswaanzin. The Belgen the doneerden for the trucker protests in Canada…
Truckers are not allowed to enter The Hague and lock themselves up in the ADO parking lot
The first truckers left the parking lot at the ADO stadium in The Hague on Sunday afternoon, the police reported. They are part of the group that has been staying…
Truckers detained in the parking lot of ADO stadium in The Hague
The police detained a group of truckers for some time on Sunday morning in the parking lot of the stadium of ADO Den Haag. The site was released around 9.45…
In Canada, truckers are on strike, and the police persuade them
In Canada, the third week of protests has begun. Truckers demand the abolition of anti-COVID rules and want vaccination to become voluntary in the country. Previously, truck drivers completely blocked…
live-coronavirus. Politie stops Frans protest convoy van 500 voertuigen, truckers block Binnenhof The Hague
Op all articles, photos and videos op rust auteursrecht. Deep linking can, however, be done to that of our content in a new frame on the website. Graag grandson…
‘Convoy van de Vrijheid’ rukt uit in Europe: truckers block Binnenhof The Hague, more than 7,000 agents guard Parijs | Convoy van de Vrijheid
In The Hague, in Nederland, some lost truckers have arrived if the protesters are subject to corona regulations. Volgens de openbare omroep NOS blocks ze de Toegang tot het Binnenhof,…
‘Convoy of Freedom’ marches out in Europe: truckers block Binnenhof The Hague, 7,000 police officers guard Paris
Several truckers arrived in The Hague, in the Netherlands, this morning to protest against the corona measures. According to the public broadcaster NOS, they are blocking access to the Binnenhof,…
Nederlandse truckers blokkeren toegang dead parlement in The Hague – Franse politie gaat over dead boats
In The Hague, in Nederland, some lost truckers have arrived if the protesters are subject to corona regulations. Volgens de openbare omroep NOS blocks ze de Toegang tot het Binnenhof,…
Truckers block Binnenhof during corona protest, a lot of traffic nuisance
Truck drivers and supporters blocked access to the Binnenhof in The Hague on Saturday morning, the police confirmed in conversation with They protest against the corona measures. The police…